The process known as AppStudio.Windows belongs to software Mundo Digital Noticias or AdvSecurity and Forensics by unknown. Windows Phone App Studio gives anyone comfortable working on a. AppStudio.exe file information AppStudio.exe process in Windows Task Manager. Screencast 4: Working with the Visual Studio Solution In contrast to Visual Studio is a new product from Microsoft that targets nondevelopers. It includes some daring C# coding that I’m not sure whether I’m proud of or not.
In this screencast I explore how to create HTML5 pages and how to use data sources to store information in an application. Screencast 3: Creating and using Data Sources You can find the XAP file for "Feed Reader" here.You can find the Visual Studio solution for "Feed Reader" here.You can find the "Feed Reader" application on the Windows Phone App Studio site here.This screencast builds on the previous one (it seemed the right way to do it) and investigates how Data Sources work and how to use RSS in an App Studio application. Screencast 2: Using RSS feeds as Data Sources You can find the XAP file for "Robs Links" here. AppStudio Use ArcGIS AppStudio on your desktop to create apps.You can find the Visual Studio Solution for "Robs Links" here.You can find the "Robs Links" application on the Windows Phone App Studio site here.

It covers making and deploying your first application, and actually shows you to build something that is useful. This is the first screencast about getting started with Windows Phone App Studio. Screencast 1: Making your first App Studio Application I spent some time playing with it, and made these screencasts which tell you a bit about the system. I think that Windows Phone Application Studio is a great tool for making little personal applications, and templates for bigger things.